Facts on vagina discharge, sperm leakage and instant treatmentV

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Vaginal discharge may range in color from clear to gray, yellow, greenish, or milky-white and may have an unpleasant smell. The symptoms and character of vaginal discharge depend upon the specific condition that is the cause of the discharge.

Vagina Discharge And What It Means
- Thin and clear
This is your standard-issue discharge — near the beginning of your menstrual cycle, your discharge will most likely be clear and watery, or thin and milky-white. As long as you’re not having any weird symptoms like itching or a funky odor, you’re good to go.
- Stringy or stretchy
Around day 14 of your cycle, you may notice a discharge the consistency of egg whites. This is a normal part of your cycle, but heads up it typically means you’re ovulating (the slippery texture helps sperm swim to the cervix) so if you’re sexually active, now would be a good time to be extra, extra careful.
- Thicker than usual
If you’re not having any other symptoms, like a strong odor or itchiness or discomfort down there, it’s probably just normal end-of-cycle creaminess. “Discharge usually increases in thickness during the second half of your cycle, don’t stress about it.
- Super heavy
It’s normal to see a little more discharge near the end of your cycle, and if you’re taking hormonal birth control, that can make it heavier too. But there are a few other possible causes for the excess moistness like an infection, a lost tampon, or a reaction to a new soap. If you’re not having any other symptoms, like a strong odor or itchiness don’t let it bother you.
- Brown or bloody
If you just got done with your period, it’s likely leftover blood evacuating the premises. But if you have random mid-month spotting, or this isn’t the first time you’ve noticed blood in the mix, “Brownish or blood-tinged vaginal discharge could be from a vaginal infection, a lost tampon, an ovarian cyst, or something within the uterus like a polyp, None of those are panic-worthy, but you want to get treated ASAP if something’s going on down there. The good news is that it can be cured permanently within a 3weeks withCONFIDENT WOMAN
- White and clumpy CONFIDENT WOMAN
A thick, white discharge with the texture of cottage cheese is a common yeast infection symptom. if you have other symptoms like an itchy vagina, irritated labia, or pain when you pee. The good news is that it can be cured permanently within a 3weeks with “Yeast infections are easily treated,”
- Yellow or green
Discharge can become slightly discolored when it hits the air, so if you notice some pale yellow discharge in your undies, that’s the most likely explanation. But if your discharge is a thick yellow or green, it could be a sign of an infection — even a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia or gonorrhea. The good news is that it can be cured permanently within a 3weeks withCONFIDENT WOMAN
- Greenish-gray and frothy (and smells like fish)
You’ve likely got bacterial vaginosis, which is a common but uncomfortable infection (not an STD) caused by an imbalance of the normal flora, the microorganisms in the vagina. It can be a bit alarming, If you’re prone to BV, never douche. And abstaining from sex can help lower your risk, Just keep your risk at bay by using condoms, as sometimes sperm contribute to creating an imbalance in the vagina. The good news is that it can be cured permanently within a 3weeks with CONFIDENT WOMAN
- Watery
Herpes may be the cause: The blisters from herpes can cause some weeping from time to time, leading to a watery, semi-opaque, occasionally blood-tinged discharge. That occurs mainly if you have sores on the inside. “However, herpes has many other symptoms — including that it’s painful, So if you have it, you’re most likely going to know something is wrong without needing to
see a watery discharge.” The good news is that it can be cured permanently within a 3weeks with CONFIDENT WOMAN

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