Where was she when 57 boys were unjustly arrested - Nigerian man reacts to Tonto Dikeh's public support for Jussie Smollett

Where was she when 57 boys were unjustly arrested - Nigerian man reacts to Tonto Dikeh

A Facebook user has questioned why Tonto Dikeh is declaring support for Jussie Smollett after he suffered a homophobic attack, but didn't declare support for young men arrested in Nigeria on suspicion of being gay.

Walter Shakespearean Ude, who recently had a row with Bisi Alimi when the gay rights activist accused him of keeping silent while his gay site was being used to slander him (read here), wrote on Facebook:

Tonto Dikeh is on Instagram sending love and light to Jussie Smollett. Saying no to homophobia. Declaring that nobody should be persecuted for who they love.
It is nice. I commend her.
I just wonder where her voice was when similar tragedies were occurring amongst her fellow Nigerians. When 57 boys were unjustly arrested. When the blogs turn homophobic attacks into sensational clickbait headlines.
It's nice o. That we're all rooting for Jussie Smollett is a beautiful act of humanity. But Jussie Smollett lives in a society with a system that will strive to get him justice.
What about the Jussie Smolletts in Nigeria? Where are the celebrity voices saying no to the injustices meted out on them?
Where was she when 57 boys were unjustly arrested - Nigerian man reacts to Tonto Dikeh


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