Two pastors get kicked out of Jeff Sessions event for preaching the bible

Two pastors get kicked out of Jeff Sessions event for preaching the bible (video)
Two pastors were kicked out from a religious freedom event yesterday, Monday, October 29, after they interrupted Attorney General Jeff Sessions' speech to preach to him about his approach to the migrant crisis.
As Sessions spoke about religious freedom at the Boston Lawyers chapter of the conservative Federalist Society, he was heckled by two religious leaders. 
The first man, who has been identified as United Methodist Pastor, Will Green, of the Ballard Vale United Church in Andover, stood as Sessions was speaking and said to him:
I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me. I was naked and you did not clothe me.
He added:
Brother Jeff, as a fellow United Methodist, I call upon you to repent, to care for those in need, to remember that when you do not care for others you are wounding the body of Christ.
Sessions replied:
Well, thank you for those remarks and attack but I would just tell you we do our best everyday.
Two security men walked to Will Green and escorted him out from the gathering. As they did, another man identified as Pastor Darrell Hamilton of the First Baptist Church in Boston stood and continued from where he stopped. But Darrell was booed by the audience who shouted, "go home". He too was escorted out but not before accusing the audience of being "hypocrites" for advocating for religious liberty politically, only to deny him the opportunity to express his religious faith by quoting the gospel at the event.
After both men had left the room, Sessions laughed off the interruption, telling his audience:
I don’t believe there’s anything in the Scripture ... [or my] theology that says a secular nation state cannot have lawful laws to control immigration ... not immoral, not indecent, and not unkind to state what your laws are and then set about to enforce them


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