Despite meeting bail conditions, Police refuse to release Dino Melaye, set to re-arraign him on fresh charges

Despite meeting bail conditions, Police refuse to release Dino Melaye, set to re-arraign him on fresh charges

Despite meeting his bail conditions, the police have refused to release Dino Melaye, a senator representing Kogi west.

On Friday, a high court in Abuja granted the Melaye bail on health grounds after about two weeks in detention. Yusuf Halilu, the judge, had granted the senator bail on health grounds. The bails conditions included presenting three sureties who reside and have properties in Abuja. The lawmaker met the conditions on Monday.  

However, as of 7pm last night, Melaye was still being held in police detention. According to reports, despite the order of the court that had been served to police, they want to arraign him “on fresh charges” on Tuesday.  

“His family has not seem him. Despite the above FCT High Court order of Friday and duly served on the Police, having met all bail conditions, the police are holding on to Dino Melaye as we speak now. Instead of obeying the court order above, they have chose to arraign him in court tomorrow on a fresh charges" a source said.
